Elementary Envy

Have you noticed all the cuteness that is out there for elementary teachers?  I mean, seriously!  Pinterest is filled with adorable classrooms, well-oiled classroom routines and fabulous resources ready and waiting to be printed.  Now start looking for some equally awesome sites for secondary education.  Zilch.  Nothin'. Nada.  It's time for this to change!

Secondary students deserve instruction that is engaging, interactive and (dare I say it) fun. These big kids come to us with lots of school experience, and all too often, they are disenchanted and disengaged because of what they've experienced.  Especially with the addition of increasingly rigorous educational standards, we have to reach every student. Students that are used to skating by are sinking fast.  

I know that there are lots of great things going on in classrooms across Texas and the nation.  I'm making a commitment to start sharing ideas and resources that work (and those that don't because I've got a lot of that!) so that we are meeting the needs of all students.  Please check in for a peek into what's going on in my classroom, and let me know what's working for you.  Together we can help students read deeply and write critically. In the words of my bestie, Gretchen Bernabei (she doesn't know about our BFF-ness yet) let's provide instruction with some zest.

1 comment

  1. I know about our BFF-ness, and yeah! I love that you're sharing your teaching processes here, as messy and crazy as they are. I'm going to share your blog with a couple of wonderful new incoming teachers to show them how we are.

    Will you make sure to keep putting in examples of your interactive notebook entries? I can't read those enough.
