Santa Claus is Coming to The Curly Classroom

Lori and I have been bragging to Santa about how 'nice' our readers are, and he told us that we should start the gift-giving early this year.  

How could we argue with Santa?!  So, we're please to announce our first ever curly giveaway.  Every week leading up to Christmas we will be hosting a giveaway for products or reading material.

This week, we're giving away a set of English I Shared Readings!  

Be sure to enter now and tell your friends (or not, if you're a little 'naughty' when it comes to giveaways).  Check back on Friday when we reveal our winner!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

P.S.: To our STAAR retesting students and teachers, may the odds be ever in your favor!

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