Employable 101: The Resume

your curly friend, Suzanne

So, you want to be an English teacher?  Be prepared for ample reminders from well meaning friends and family about all those essays to grade.  Yes, the essays are there, but so is the opportunity to connect with students on a personal level and provide a creative outlet.  
My resume philosophy is more is more.  With the help of bullet points and size 10 font, I'm able to cram in my experience from three distinct teaching experiences. One of the things I love the most is that my points all start with vivid verbs.  (My students would be so proud!)  
Change your tense to reflect present and past experience.

If possible, include a section with leadership experience and honors.  Principals are looking for applicants who are willing to go beyond the four walls of their classroom.  If you're just starting out, no educational experience is insignificant.  You can upgrade this section as you gain more opportunities.  

Lastly, list professional memberships.  They provide great resources and can offer legal protection.  Lori and I have a major nerd moment when our quarterly ATPE magazine comes!  Don't have one?  Pick one and click.  If you are a pre-service teacher, many organizations will offer you a FREEE membership!  Future employers won't know if you've be a member for hours or years.  

Texas Organizations

National Organizations
Once you have a resume you're proud of, send it to everyone- your friend, your mom, your coworker.  The last thing you want is a resume with a typo.  

Make your personality and experience pop on paper.  Your resume will do just that!

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