Welcome TCTELA Friends!

We are SO excited that you chose to spend your afternoon with us!

Our greatest aim is to make life a little easier, and one way is to connect you to resources.  Here are links to resources from today's presentation that are ready for you to click, print, and use: 

Nine Square lesson and links to The Other Side materials

Did this leave you wanting more?!  We have another Power of One lesson written for a beautiful picture book by Matt de la Pena called The Last Stop on Market Street.  Click here for literary dominos, a grammar mini lesson and two expository prompts.  

Stay in touch to see new things we post.  We'd love to connect with you on:

And for a trip down memory lane, I present to you Lori and Suzanne's first trip to TCTELA!
Corpus Christi  2014

1 comment

  1. I was really hoping to go this year, but alas, I am still waiting in the wings. As we are heading into the weeks before our MOCK, I thought I would see if you ladies have some new tools. Still love Nine Squares, and I have created two for my 8th grade teachers. I'm looking for some killer resources for expository leads,so if you can think of any, shoot me a line. I'm no longer in Tyler; I have moved back to Jacksonville ISD as the ELAR strategist at the middle school. It's been a WILD ride so far!
