Classroom Countdown: Suzanne Edition

Happy 2014!

I want to encourage you to join in on our countdown.  You can link up at the bottom of this post, or if you're not a blogger, share your favorite moments on our Facebook wall.  I can't wait to peek in and see what's been going on in your classrooms!  If you're totally lost, click here to get caught up!

Here are the favorite things from my corner of the hallway:

5.  Kernel Essays- I have been amazed at the power of the kernel essay.  It produces writing that is logical and flows.  Because a kernel essay is a short planning routine, it allows you to practice over and over.  My students have kerneled 13 essays this semester!  That is huge!!  It gives struggling learning the opportunity to practice skills and build confidence.  It also allows for student choice in the writing process.  When we draft, (about 5 times this semester) students can go back through the kernels we've done for that essay type and choose their favorite to take through the writing process.

4.  Article of the Week

3.  Star Points

2.  Folders for graded work- This is kinda lame to put in my top 5, but I really am so amazed at my new-found ability to pass back graded work in a timely manner!

1.  Shared Readings- Lori and I made our lists separately, but I had a hunch that our #1s would match.  Shared Readings really are that powerful!


  1. Another Secondary ELA blogger! Awesome!

  2. Great blog! Found you on the TPT forum! :)
